
Experience Elevated

Transform Your Contractor Experience with Staftr

Enhance every aspect of the contractor journey with Staftr's intuitive and engaging platform. Provide a seamless, positive experience that resonates with your freelance workforce, driving engagement and success.

Roles Powered by Staftr

Swift, Precise Project Matching

Staftr revolutionizes how contractors are matched to projects. Our platform’s instant matching and backfilling capabilities ensure contractors are quickly aligned with suitable opportunities, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. This feature is pivotal for keeping contractors engaged and reducing time-to-deploy metrics.

  • Rapid Project Matching
  • Minimize Waiting Time
  • Maximize Project Satisfaction
  • Keep Contractors Engaged
  • Reduce Time-to-Deploy
  • Precise Project Alignment
Swift, Precise Candidate Matching

Foster Engagement with
Omni-Channel Comms

Maintain constant, meaningful communication with contractors through Staftr’s omni-channel platform. From real-time messaging to timely updates, ensure every contractor stays informed throughout their project lifecycle.

  • Constant Contractor Communication
  • Real-Time Messaging
  • Timely Updates
  • Value Every Contractor
  • Informed Project Journey
  • Personalized Interaction
Foster Engagement with Omni-Channel Comms

Streamline Onboarding for
a Great Start

Staftr makes the project initiation process smooth and straightforward for contractors. With easy-to-follow steps and clear guidance, contractors can navigate the initial stages of their assignments with confidence and ease.

  • Smooth Project Initation
  • Easy-to-follow Steps
  • Clear Guidance
  • Confident Contractor Journey
  • Streamlined Project Start
  • Hassle-free Setup
Simplified Onboarding

Encourage Growth with
Bi-Directional Feedback

Staftr’s bi-directional rating system at project completion allows for meaningful feedback, contributing to contractor success and development. This transparency fosters trust and encourages continuous improvement.

  • Meaningful Feedback System
  • Progress Tracking
  • Development Opportunities
  • Foster Trust
  • Encourage Improvement
  • Transparent Rating Process
Feedback and Growth
Boost Efficiency and Streamline Staffing

Consolidate, Communicate, and Customize Your Staffing Process with Ease

Our contractor-friendly mobile app and web technology simplify the consolidation of staffing processes into a single, user-friendly platform. Unleash improved cost reduction, increased productivity, and seamless communication as you streamline your workforce management with Staftr.

Real-time Tracking and Automation
  • Timekeeping Accuracy:
    Easily track contractor hours in real-time, generate accurate time reports, and simplify invoice management with Staftr's mobile app.
  • Time-Saving Automation:
    Automate workflows to eliminate friction, increasing productivity and ensuring timely payments.
Seamless Integration
  • Easy Integration:
    Enjoy a seamless integration between the Staftr mobile app and web interfaces.
  • Effective Management:
    Access all essential features and tools, facilitating efficient management and providing a cohesive user experience.
Complete Customization
  • Customizable:
    Staftr is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the platform to your staffing agency's specific needs 
and preferences.
  • Personal Preferences:
    Take control of your tech stack, mobile app, and more, optimizing your workflow for maximum efficiency.
Effortless Project Management
  • Contractor Connectivity:
    Elevate your contractor communication with our mobile app. Seamlessly manage project assignments and updates, fostering strong connections throughout the engagement.
  • Streamlined Offer Tracking:
    Streamline the tracking of assignments with our mobile app's efficient solution. Simplify the entire process, allowing for seamless communication with contractors and eliminating any complexities.
Enhance Contractor Success

Elevate Your Contractors' Experience