Staftr Blog

The Future of Work: Why Controllable Talent Marketplaces…

It’s plain as the nose on your face that the traditional staffing model is undergoing a seismic shift. Controllable talent marketplaces are emerging as the…

Navigating the Gig Economy: Trends and Predictions for…

In recent years, the gig economy has transformed…


The Evolution of Staffing: From Rolodexes to Real-Time…

Staffing doesn’t have to be a slog through…


How Remote Work Trends Are Transforming Staffing Strategies

The world of work is undergoing monumental changes,…


How Staffing Has Changed in the Last Decade

Over the past decade, the staffing industry has…


How Staftr Became the Secret Weapon for SMBs:…

We’ve all witnessed the seismic shifts brought about…


Simplifying Staffing: How Staftr Cut Through the Complexity

In my years in the staffing industry, I’ve…
